All data below is from simulated data of various months from 1/1/2024 through 4/1/2024 MNQ, NQ & ES. Data is for education purposes only!
Bet Reversals 2.5.5 Basic Parameter details
Bet Reversals 2.5.5 Bar Line Length and Bar Period Example
Bet Reversals 2.5.5 Strategy, using ATM Limit Entry example
Bet Reversals 2.5.5 Strategy, using the Ask to Bid Difference Market Exit
Bars Edge Trader BET Reversals 2.5.5 Back Testing video 1, this video explores the basic setup and running back test on MNQ presets
Bars Edge Trader BET Reversals 2.5.5 Back Testing video 2, this video shows what happens when the back test does not work and how to fix it.
Below is a video on setting up a ATM for a Strategy
Here we are setting up a ATM for a strategy. Please review, this will answer why the strategy is not taking any entries.